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Download The X Note - Powerpoint Template Gratis!

Download The X Note - Powerpoint Template Gratis!

Download The X Note - Powerpoint Template Gratis!

Looking for an Effective, Modern, and Easy Customable Presentation?

Your idea deserves to be heard. This product will help you turns ideas into persuasive presentations to communicate your messages clearly, meet your goals, and exceed expectations in everything from thought leadership and sales to everyday employee communication.

Fully Editable in Powerpoint (shapes, icons, mockup, etc.)
4:3 and 16:9 screen layouts (FULL HD!)
Slide Transition animation
40+ Unique slides each theme (+master slides)
4 Pre-made themes (collored-light, collored-dark, orange, green)
Devices mockup
Image placeholder
Editable icons set!

Collored-Light theme template with 4:3 and 16:9 screen layouts
Collored-Dark theme template with 4:3 and 16:9 screen layouts
Green theme template with 4:3 and 16:9 screen layouts
Yellow theme template with 4:3 dan 16:9 screen layouts
Quick quide pdf file

FONT INFO (All free!)
Free & legal download. Listed inside the pdf.
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